
Thursday, 30 June 2016

Saffron lane Athletics

Again a massive 'Well Done' to those that participated in the area Athletics at Saffron Lane. A great day was had by all with many children reaching the finals.  A big congratulations to Bethany Jackson for winning Gold in the 50m, the Year 5 girls a Silver in the relay and the Year 3/4 boys a bronze in their relay. A very proud day!

Intra Euros

The children are in the middle of playing a Euros tournament


Key Stage 2 Sports Day

A fantastic morning of sport from Key stage 2. Thank you to all the parents and Grandparents that came to support. Well Done Mercury!

Fantastic Sport Ambassadors

Thank you to the Year 5 and 6 Sport Ambassadors that organised and ran a multi skills afternoon for  our Reception and Year 1's and also one for Year 3 and 4's from other schools. You did a great job. Well Done!

Higher Achievers

Well Done to Georgia Hamson and Bradley Davies for being selected to participate in the Higher Achievers in Physical Education Day at Loughborough University.

Kwick Cricket

Well Done to all those that participated in the Kwick Cricket tournament at Ashby Cricket ground. You played brillantly and only 2 runs off the Semi-Finals. Great job!

Year 4 Tri-Golf

The children had a fantastic afternoon at the Tri Golf festival.